
Five Best

1.  Happy Valentine's Day!  As always some music to listen to while browsing this week's links - click the player above to listen (email & feed subscribers click into the post for the player).  The playlist is featured on grooveshark which is not supported by Safari.  It can be viewed on any other browser.  I like Chrome.  Bonus:  I even use Chrome on my iPhone & iPad.  If you want some more music you can head over to the Valentine's Day Music Mix I made last year.  

2.  I kind of like this this handwritten collection of  what love is.

3.  A time lapse video of a fashion shoot.

4.  What I've been listening to and watching this week while working:

-I'm still not watching that much while working.  Whomp whomp.  Same old story the last couple of weeks, boring, I know.

As I mentioned above I have been in the mood for music lately.  I haven't listened to any podcasts.  Actually, that is not true. I did listen to After the Jump this week.  Aside from that I have been listening to music the the rest of the time.  Last Spring I began compiling all of the music I've used in my Five Best posts over the years so I have been listening to those compilations.  I've also been listening to the new Jim James album and some Top 40 stuff - hello Alicia Keys and Justin Timberlake.  I even downloaded a little bit of Rihanna to add to my growing collection.  Variety is the spice of life right?

5.  Currently loving:  these tights, this slinky one piece, the detailing on this top, this beautiful pantry arranged by color and this seems fitting after last weekend's storm. 

>> Previous Post:  Accessorized for an Outdoor Summer Event

Image:  Rebecca Tollefsen


  1. I would love to hear the compilations you've put together! I love your mixes.

    1. Thank you Liz! I am going to be putting them up here on the blog soon. I'll have them available on a separate page to listen to. Thank you for stopping by! I appreciate it.

      Have a great weekend,
