
Five Best

1. A sweet song to remind us of summer not that autumn has made its way in.  Click the video above to listen along while browsing.

2.  My cousin shared this list and I thought I would pass it along too.

3.  A couple of people have emailed asking about the farm share that John and I documented here on Our Simple Souls this year.  Here is some information on finding CSAs near you and the benefits of pariticpating in one.  One the same note - this is a helpful article from Organic Garden Networks.

4. Lovely hair tutorial.

5.  More music links:  because good music happens in duets:  here, here and here.

Image and design:  Rebecca Tollefsen

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing our post on becoming a Locavore.
    Love the new pix in your blog header too!

